September 14, 2010

This is Madness!

Well today was the start of a new day and ment some new credits to be sought. I reluctantly headed back to the Freelancer Inc. for another job. Lucky enough, i was told to eradicate some wildlife in Wailing Wastes that has a camp surrounded. My kind of deal! So I greased up Clutch and set off...

Well fool me once shame on you, foll me twice shame on me comes to mind when you kick yourself for accepting a job offer from the Agency! Remember when I said there was bigger insects then those giant fleas in the subway, well my Professors didn't lie...Check this big guy!

They were everywhere! Poor Clutch had a Arm Servo cable snap in the jaws of those beasts... He was not happy, as with I as I don't have a replacement at the moment. He pulled though as ever and we pushed on taking care of the wildlife that would do nothing better then to eat us... Until we ran into one of these!

Yeah... Its a trophy picture if anything but that damn thing was nearly two stories tall and crushed in one of Clutch's shoulder turbines! Never in my life have i ever seen such fury in a wild beast anywhere in books, holo-movies or Rubi-pedia! At least I was able to complete a job for the Agency without getting seriously hurt, though cant say the same for Clutch. I was wired the agreed amount of credits as usual and I was on my way back when i cut through this beautiful city that had these personal whoopahs. One led to this place called Neuts R' Us, so as curiosity set in, I stepped through and ended up in Newland City.

Knowing where i was I set out to make my way back to Old Athens when this lady called for me to come closer. She was young nanomage that seemed to be floating in air and was talking all kinds of weird things. Spouting off about "Master Neleb" and "the Awakening Path for new Nelebai". I wasn't sold about it, but I had time to kill and thought why not see what she is talking about. Instantly i was teleported here...

My Day got a whole lot creepier! As you can see, that is a eyeball... A giant eyeball! I knew i was in for some weird things and called for a specialist to come help me. An Agent showed up by the name of "Rhus" and we journeyed inside. At the door we were greeted by a Metaphysical being that though my head was tasty and dispatched of it. I tried to take a picture of the thing ut my camera was "mysteriously" malfunctioning. Anyways we were able to make our way though and ran into Neleb himself. From a distance he didn't look harmful, sans his hoards of bodyguards, but that is natural being a man of some religion or other, but when we walked up to him, he called us nonbelievers and attack. He was quickly dispatched and fell to the ground in a heap. I managed to steal his robe from him as he wouldn't need it on his path to whatever, whatever and Rhus was nice enough to fold us into space and time and shipped us back to West Athens!

He was very polite and didn't ask for any credits so that made me very happy... I was able to snap a quick picture of him before he left.

All in all a good day so far... Keep you posted if anything fun comes up!

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