September 15, 2010

Da Beer needs wine! Pt.1

September 14, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time. 

Another day, another job. The Agency was nice enough to point me in the direction of a Mr. Dante Karall, losing party member to the race of for the mayor of Newland as well as one "lively" person. I was told i could see him at "Neuters 'R' Us", that bar i passed up that last time i went to Newland way of strange city whoompah.

I made my way via the grid over to Newland City and entered the famed city gates. Wasn't that busy but people were still doing things like eating at the Bronto Burger and shopping at the Miir store ( I so wanna buy something from them when i actually have credits!) After a small rodent made it his mission to be the pubic speed bump, I was infront of the bar i was asked to find. After entering i noticed that the place was not that bad. I met a lovely girl who took the coats and a "Cowboy" who things he has the right to call me sugar pie... The nerve. 

There was the man  i was ordered to find, Mr. Dante Karall. I walked up to the bar and said hello and he replied in kine, though i am not too keen in being called a dude. He offered me, and a I quote "Like, only the finest selection of brews and booze this side of the planet! And since, like, this is really the only side of the planet, that means we're pretty friggin' awesome!". Soon after, he was explainig how he ran and alost for mayor of Newland City to Mr. Toog and how it was a close race. He also mentioned his own brewing company called the "Da Beer:" Co. He said they crafted exotic beers with exotic extracts like from a Chill Spider and a mineral found in rare species of Heckler. Both of these species were not coming up in any of my databases in my Datapad so I chalked it up as him blowing smoke up my backside to sell his overpriced brew. He did mention he was short on acquiring ingredients for a new brew he was working on and I took that as he needed help so i inquired on, hoping to get some work.  Thats when he mentioned the "Temple of the Three Winds"...

I guess from what told me that it was a Religious Temple fileld with these "Cultists" that worshiped some god or gods or soemthing... His facts were way off, but did mention he threw a "Kegger" in there once. Was tossed back via reclaim from some floating claw dude and killed his "buzz". So finally he asked me to get some Red Berry Wine from one of the "Windcallers", a robed, high ranking officer im guessing, return with it for some credits. He also pointed me to an actual Windcaller of the sect, though he warned me that he doesn't carry any. So paid my tab and was on my way...

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