September 16, 2010

My TSE education is really paying itself off!

September 16, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time.

Look at this robot! I swear i was almost drooling at the though to Clutch's AI program nestled snugly it that massive sensor peripheral array! Word around the coffee shop is that its name is called the "Trash King" and that he actually has been slowly developing his own AI while being master-less! Some people talk that he went rogue and killed his master in a fit or rage, others say he was abused and ran off. Either way, he was able to construct that massive chassis and upload himself into it, so that shows the immense power it processes.

Reason why i share this pic with you is that I was around the area where this monolith of a bot rests, looking for some salavge in the shape of a Techno-Scavaneger Brain as I was in dire need of its mechanical library to upgrade my Tinker pistol that I made during the last term of my classes. I did end up finding the item i needed and upgraded my pistol into a Mender pistol. It feels a tad lighter and has a whole lot more recoil.

Fear me mobs of Rubi-Ka!

Oh and I am getting better at my craft! I was able to construct a full suit of Carbonum Armor today from some Carbonum Plates found in the vendor shops in Old Athens. It feels natural, unlike that Living Cyber armor i was wearing. It is a tad heavy on the shoulders though  and looking for some adjustment straps to help alleviate the weight.

I have that clawed monstrosity's number now!

Da Beer needs wine pt. 2

September 14, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time.

The first hallway was a tad quiet for my enjoyment and i pushed on, only to be greeted by a very volatile parishioner. The words he was spouting were not of any dialect i could think of let alone what my Datapad could decipher. The Cultist got more angry, brandishing a longsword and pointed it in my direction. Well they must be blind worshipers cause Clutch was not a happy camper about me being threatened with a weapon.

After the unfortunate demise of that crazy wench, i continued my way into the temple, hearing more chanting of this unknown language from that last encounter. As I made it to the end of the hallway, i looked up to see a most terrifying sight.

Was it one of there clergymen? One of Dante's party friends from the kegger? What if it was an unexpected explorer?


I was best to keep on my toes as I managed to make my way into a bigger room populated by many cultists. I worked my way hugging the back wall, but Clutch in all his glory, decided it was a perfect time to have his VCS fail again, emitting a horrendous screech that got all of the cultists attention. If you could of heard the silence right before they charged me, you would of been freaked out! After Clutch and myself dispatched the cultists as well as a white and brown robed officer, i found what i was looking for, the red berry wine! Excited i loaded up my bags with what i could, but unbeknown to me, a bigger threat also heard my bots clumsiness.

It was that "Clawed" monster that Dante explained to me about back at the bar. It breathed heavily and was floating, its hands waving slowly back and forth. It let out a piercing scream that made me have to cover my ears as to hope my brain didn't explode or something. Clutch got right to work as did I, riddling the monster with slugs, but it seemed that they had little effect. It wasn't long till he was right on top of me.

This was looking like the subway as it tossed me across the room, my side taking the impact of the pillar closest to me. Clutch continued to try and grab the monster attention, but the thing was dead set on what it wanted.  It wasn't long before the last thing i remembered was this giant ball of fire that flew my way and everything went white.

I awoke at one of the Reclaim centers that are posted all over Rubi-Ka. I tried to shake off the feeling that the process of cloning gives soon after release, but its not that forgiving. Vision blurry, equilibrium shot, i managed to warp Clutch to my location, his body badly beaten and in need of repair. With some time i made it back to Neuters 'R' Us and to the company of Dante and handed him the bottle of wine. He paid me a good amount of credits and asked if I could get him another. I told him were to shove it and made my way back to West Athens.

I need some rest...

September 15, 2010

Da Beer needs wine! Pt.1

September 14, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time. 

Another day, another job. The Agency was nice enough to point me in the direction of a Mr. Dante Karall, losing party member to the race of for the mayor of Newland as well as one "lively" person. I was told i could see him at "Neuters 'R' Us", that bar i passed up that last time i went to Newland way of strange city whoompah.

I made my way via the grid over to Newland City and entered the famed city gates. Wasn't that busy but people were still doing things like eating at the Bronto Burger and shopping at the Miir store ( I so wanna buy something from them when i actually have credits!) After a small rodent made it his mission to be the pubic speed bump, I was infront of the bar i was asked to find. After entering i noticed that the place was not that bad. I met a lovely girl who took the coats and a "Cowboy" who things he has the right to call me sugar pie... The nerve. 

There was the man  i was ordered to find, Mr. Dante Karall. I walked up to the bar and said hello and he replied in kine, though i am not too keen in being called a dude. He offered me, and a I quote "Like, only the finest selection of brews and booze this side of the planet! And since, like, this is really the only side of the planet, that means we're pretty friggin' awesome!". Soon after, he was explainig how he ran and alost for mayor of Newland City to Mr. Toog and how it was a close race. He also mentioned his own brewing company called the "Da Beer:" Co. He said they crafted exotic beers with exotic extracts like from a Chill Spider and a mineral found in rare species of Heckler. Both of these species were not coming up in any of my databases in my Datapad so I chalked it up as him blowing smoke up my backside to sell his overpriced brew. He did mention he was short on acquiring ingredients for a new brew he was working on and I took that as he needed help so i inquired on, hoping to get some work.  Thats when he mentioned the "Temple of the Three Winds"...

I guess from what told me that it was a Religious Temple fileld with these "Cultists" that worshiped some god or gods or soemthing... His facts were way off, but did mention he threw a "Kegger" in there once. Was tossed back via reclaim from some floating claw dude and killed his "buzz". So finally he asked me to get some Red Berry Wine from one of the "Windcallers", a robed, high ranking officer im guessing, return with it for some credits. He also pointed me to an actual Windcaller of the sect, though he warned me that he doesn't carry any. So paid my tab and was on my way...

September 14, 2010

This is Madness!

Well today was the start of a new day and ment some new credits to be sought. I reluctantly headed back to the Freelancer Inc. for another job. Lucky enough, i was told to eradicate some wildlife in Wailing Wastes that has a camp surrounded. My kind of deal! So I greased up Clutch and set off...

Well fool me once shame on you, foll me twice shame on me comes to mind when you kick yourself for accepting a job offer from the Agency! Remember when I said there was bigger insects then those giant fleas in the subway, well my Professors didn't lie...Check this big guy!

They were everywhere! Poor Clutch had a Arm Servo cable snap in the jaws of those beasts... He was not happy, as with I as I don't have a replacement at the moment. He pulled though as ever and we pushed on taking care of the wildlife that would do nothing better then to eat us... Until we ran into one of these!

Yeah... Its a trophy picture if anything but that damn thing was nearly two stories tall and crushed in one of Clutch's shoulder turbines! Never in my life have i ever seen such fury in a wild beast anywhere in books, holo-movies or Rubi-pedia! At least I was able to complete a job for the Agency without getting seriously hurt, though cant say the same for Clutch. I was wired the agreed amount of credits as usual and I was on my way back when i cut through this beautiful city that had these personal whoopahs. One led to this place called Neuts R' Us, so as curiosity set in, I stepped through and ended up in Newland City.

Knowing where i was I set out to make my way back to Old Athens when this lady called for me to come closer. She was young nanomage that seemed to be floating in air and was talking all kinds of weird things. Spouting off about "Master Neleb" and "the Awakening Path for new Nelebai". I wasn't sold about it, but I had time to kill and thought why not see what she is talking about. Instantly i was teleported here...

My Day got a whole lot creepier! As you can see, that is a eyeball... A giant eyeball! I knew i was in for some weird things and called for a specialist to come help me. An Agent showed up by the name of "Rhus" and we journeyed inside. At the door we were greeted by a Metaphysical being that though my head was tasty and dispatched of it. I tried to take a picture of the thing ut my camera was "mysteriously" malfunctioning. Anyways we were able to make our way though and ran into Neleb himself. From a distance he didn't look harmful, sans his hoards of bodyguards, but that is natural being a man of some religion or other, but when we walked up to him, he called us nonbelievers and attack. He was quickly dispatched and fell to the ground in a heap. I managed to steal his robe from him as he wouldn't need it on his path to whatever, whatever and Rhus was nice enough to fold us into space and time and shipped us back to West Athens!

He was very polite and didn't ask for any credits so that made me very happy... I was able to snap a quick picture of him before he left.

All in all a good day so far... Keep you posted if anything fun comes up!

New faces and new diggs

Well as the night rolled in, i took a moment to reflect on what transpired in the Subway to run into a few peculiar people.The first being that suit with the briefcase to the right of the pic i uploaded from the grid stream.

A Mr. Atticus "Wolfowitz" Morgan, Attorney at Law, Apartment 4-4 West Athens from what this business cards says that he oh-so discreetly handed me when i formally greeted him. He seemed like a nice fellow when we concluded that Clutch's VCS (Voice Communication Synthesizer for those that are mechanically inept) was malfunctioning and he left a helping hand. His Droid on the other hand, Niles was its name if i recall correctly, wasn't so forthcoming. After calling us meat-bags, he ended up corrupting Clutch into acting strange, prompting me to shut him down for a few.

It was then the hooded man to the right came about. From the get go, i was a tad nervous, but introduced myself as not to be rude... To my surprise, his face... his hands had scales! He even had a forked tongue! Creeped me into submission on the spot until Atticus reassured that he was a good man, named a Mr. Kenneth "Nulion" Age, after doing some research when i got settled into my new apartment (gotta love knowing a fixer as a friend) Oh speaking of apartments, i will share that in a minute as well...

Where was I... Oh yeah, Mr. Age come to find out was disfigured by Omni-Tek scientists in a place called Biomare in the far reaches of are in Rubi-Ka outside of Bliss. I felt bad for him as I personally could not live with myself by living like he is... Though he does seem to posses some rather interesting qualities, like the sense of smell being heightened. Was quiet interested how Mr. Atticus is into "cheap blow and hookers" as he mentioned verbatim whe i asked Mr. Age to smell him. Men...

To be frank, i felt happy to meet them and hoped we meet again.

Ah my new apartment... Come to find out there was an opening right next to Mr Atticus's home and office in Apt 4-3 of West Athens. I guess it belonged to some weird smelly guy that i think has his scent still lingering around a bit, but that's debatable. Anyways, I still need some more things as it isn't quiet a home, but more of a crash pad and a place to have Clutch recharge his batteries.

I do think i will like it there as there is a coffee bar right next door as well as a grid entrance so it is very commuter friendly. Will have to try the coffee in the cafe sometime... perhaps tomorrow.

Well until then, Fare thee well!

September 13, 2010

Some new Armor!

September 13, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time.

Im am so happy! After talking with the "Good Time" Party Mixer and doing some work for man in the ruins of Omni-2 as well as a clinically insane woman pretending to be a secret spy, i was able to assemble the parts needed for this new suit of armor. Its a tad snug, but comfortable and the helmet is a tad too big for my head... Im thinking of just leaving back at my apartment. The weird thing is that the armor feels tingling on my skin, as if it was moving, breathing... I questioned the Party Mixer about the armor some after i fisrt wore it and he said something jokingly about  the "Clan of prophecy" and how they "brought forth life" into the armor for "all true seekers of life and bliss". I just laughed at him and went on my merry way... Im now regretting not listening more... The armor almost feels symbiotic somewhat but without the cons of a parasite wiggling around you.

I call it a win for me as I get to keep my credits for other things like food... Mmm... Smell a Bronto Burger nearby. See you soon!

September 12, 2010

Destroyed subway and rebuilt friend

September 12, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time

I received my orders from the Agency to enter the condemned Subway system that lay beneath Rubi-Ka and eradicate some less then welcome visitors. After some quick adjustments on my metallic friend, we entered the through the sliding door and we began out mission.

Right in the first hallway, these yellow fleas were infesting piles of garbage. Freaked me out to see such huge insects, though i heard of bigger from the professors back at school. It wasn't long till I ran into some workers that didn't look to kindly to me entering the construction site that was deeper with in.

After a few altercations, I was able to collect some scrap steel and some electrical parts from around the docking area, when I met this nanomage that studied in the art of nanomanipulation, known on Rubi-Ka as a Nano Technician. He was very nice guy and ended up covering each other as we made out way deeper into the subway.

As we made our way though, we ended up in the lower sewer area beneath the subway itself. The smell was horrendous as was the unlikely inhabitants. The area was swarmed with mutated  beings, mumbling and walking in tattered clothes. I wanted to just turn around and head back, but I was too hungry to give up that many credits. I forged along with my new friend and slowly but surely cleared the area of the mutated threat... Until we ran into this... "Thing": would be correct... I think.

I never in my life was as scared as I was when this thing came from the ditch it was sleeping in. The NT, My Bot and myself struggled with this monstrosity as it sent all of us for a loop. I almost passed out when i was hit with one of those mourning stars on it hands. Thankfully "Clutch" came in and distracted it till i could get on my feet and hide. I cant say the same for my poor bot. a couple swings and the poor thing dropped it its knees, his parts falling out of its casing. It was then I realizes what the professors told me in school about how your robot companion will grow to become part of you. It wasn't long until my custom pistol as well as the NT's nukes as he calls them, took the monster down and out.

My Datapad beeped through as the Agency received word that the subway was cleared... How they knew, i could only fathom to think. For my reimbursement, they wired me my credits as agreed upon and  offered a new chassis shell for my poor Clutch at a reduced cost. Here is a pic of him. He is so cute!

So I must say, it was a something else to go into the subway, not knowing what lied ahead of me and overcame adversity at the most lowest of time. If I learned anything, it is that i ask for more details when i pick up a mission from Freelancer Inc. ever again!

Graduating from Tir School of Engineering

September 12, 29484 Rubi-Ka Universal Time

I finally graduated from the Tir School of Engineering today, with honors no less! Was able to meet some of the Clans top brass as well as get a smirk out of Simon Silverstone, which is no easy feat i must tell you.

As you can see in the picture i uploaded from the gridstream, that is my new companion, aptly named "Clutch". As part of our final exam, we had to program an Artificial Intelligence protocol for a donated shell. Was the most difficult thing i have ever did as my major consisted more towards Mechanical Engineering as well as Quantum Physics. Minus an irregular speech pattern (was docked points by the way on the exam), he is fully operational and ready to help me on my quest to achieve the title of "Master Engineer"

During the graduation processions, a man from the "Freelancers Inc" agency stopped by to talk about some job opportunities and gave me his business card. Im thinking of showing up as I am now a working girl and seriously need some credits... Life is alot tougher when your not being supported by the Council of Truth's scholarship program.

Till next time, fare thee well...